NEWS | April 25, 2019

CSM Message

By Eric W. Anderson Senior Enlisted Leader

The Utah National Guard continues to go to war, facing our current threat and preparing for war against a future threat. This year we have mobilized roughly 15-16 percent of combined Army and Air National Guard. This is significant considering the current political discussions about ending combat operations throughout the Central Command Area of Responsibility. One of the great benefits we have as a military organization, is that our job is relatively simple. We prepare for the absolute worst day our state and nation may face. We know without a doubt we will be called to help in that desperate hour. It is incumbent on us to prepare during every drill weekend, annual training event, and additional training opportunity to diligently work towards our personal and military readiness. The next war quite possibly could shift from fighting a primitive, poorly armed, and technologically challenged enemy to an emerging superpower with almost peer-competitive capabilities in conventional, technological, land, sea, air, space, and cyber-battle spaces. This enemy most likely will have the ability to pick and choose where they strike and how; most likely not facing our strengths. One of our most fundamental areas of readiness is maintaining accurate leader books at the section/squad level. Leader books are the ultimate tool in accountability of our service members. They track welfare of service members, leadership, field operations, mission-support maintenance, transportation, and medical support. They track hand receipts, training/planning/resourcing/scheduling including training meetings and maintenance update training calendars. They assist in the conduct of after-action reviews, maintain counseling statements, driver/RTO requirements, draw and account for COMSEC material and even track awards. They protect service member's/family time, and document the readiness of the unit. I strongly encourage you to take the time now to use this tool to prepare you and your troops to respond to our nation’s call.

NEWS | April 25, 2019

CSM Message

By Eric W. Anderson Senior Enlisted Leader

The Utah National Guard continues to go to war, facing our current threat and preparing for war against a future threat. This year we have mobilized roughly 15-16 percent of combined Army and Air National Guard. This is significant considering the current political discussions about ending combat operations throughout the Central Command Area of Responsibility. One of the great benefits we have as a military organization, is that our job is relatively simple. We prepare for the absolute worst day our state and nation may face. We know without a doubt we will be called to help in that desperate hour. It is incumbent on us to prepare during every drill weekend, annual training event, and additional training opportunity to diligently work towards our personal and military readiness. The next war quite possibly could shift from fighting a primitive, poorly armed, and technologically challenged enemy to an emerging superpower with almost peer-competitive capabilities in conventional, technological, land, sea, air, space, and cyber-battle spaces. This enemy most likely will have the ability to pick and choose where they strike and how; most likely not facing our strengths. One of our most fundamental areas of readiness is maintaining accurate leader books at the section/squad level. Leader books are the ultimate tool in accountability of our service members. They track welfare of service members, leadership, field operations, mission-support maintenance, transportation, and medical support. They track hand receipts, training/planning/resourcing/scheduling including training meetings and maintenance update training calendars. They assist in the conduct of after-action reviews, maintain counseling statements, driver/RTO requirements, draw and account for COMSEC material and even track awards. They protect service member's/family time, and document the readiness of the unit. I strongly encourage you to take the time now to use this tool to prepare you and your troops to respond to our nation’s call.