Our Fallen Soldiers have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Their Families deserve our respect, gratitude, and the very best we can provide. If you’re a surviving Family member, Survivor Outreach Services (SOS) offers you access to support, information, and services, closest to where you live, when you need it and for as long as you need it.
Survivor Outreach Services is part of the Army Casualty Continuum of Care. It’s designed to provide long-term support to surviving Families of Fallen Soldiers. Our goal is to reassure Survivors that they remain valued members of the Army Family.
Survivor Outreach Services helps in many ways:
Support Coordinators. The loss of a loved one often results in tremendous grief, which can be overwhelming. When faced with a tragedy, you may be wondering what direction to take. Your SOS Coordinator is your link to finding the resources and answers that will work best for you. Your local Support Coordinator is available to meet with you as you journey through this difficult transition by providing direct services as well as information, referrals, and recommendations. He or she can also connect you with support groups, spiritual resources, and bereavement and financial counselors. Your SOS Coordinator can also help you request and obtain copies of documents, navigate local, state, and federal agencies, and direct you to additional Survivor resources.
The State Support Coordinator can be reached at (801) 432-4153
Financial Counselors. In times of emotional distress, figuring out what to do about finances can create a heavy burden. Survivor Outreach Services Financial Counselors provide professional financial information and services in areas such as investing, estate planning, tax issues, and basic budgeting. Our Financial Counselors are committed to helping you create financial security. They also help ensure you get the information you need to make sound financial decisions.
The Gold Star and Surviving Family Member Representative is the Army advocate for surviving Family members. The Public Law 113-66, Section 633, requires each secretary of a military department to designate a member to assist spouses and other dependents of service members, including the Reserve Component, who die on active duty. These representatives are available to provide support and address complaints by spouses and other dependents of deceased service members regarding casualty assistance or receipt of benefits authorized by law. Any Survivor can contact the Army GSSFM Representative directly any time for any reason.
Contact your GSSFM representative if you are seeking additional support or information:
(1) Addressing complaints by spouses and other dependents of deceased members regarding casualty/survivor assistance or receipt of benefits authorized by law for such spouses and dependents.
(2) Providing support to such spouses and dependents regarding such casualty assistance or receipt of such benefits.
(3) Making reports to appropriate officers or officials in the Department of Defense or the military department concerned regarding resolution of such complaints, including recommendations regarding the settlement of claims with respect to such benefits, as appropriate.
(4) Performing such other actions as the secretary of the military department concerned considers appropriate.