142nd Military Intelligence Battalion (Linguist)
Federal Mission: To provide overall Command and Control (C2) and supervision of assigned CI, HUMINT, SIGINT and Intelligence Coordination, companies, detachments, platoons, and teams. To conduct liaison with U.S., Joint, and Combined Commands, allied and host country intelligence counterparts. To perform as a center for language training and development.
State Directed Mission: On order, the 142nd MI BN provides a National Guard Reaction Force (NGRF) with an initial force of 75-125 personnel within eight hours and a follow-on force of up to 350 personnel within 24 hours, able to be self-sustaining for a period of 72 hours in order to conduct security operations in support of local, state, and federal first responders.
Subordinate units:
A Company, 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion (Linguist)
B Company, 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion (Linguist)
IC Detachment, 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion (Linguist)
D Company, 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion (Linguist)
E Company, 142nd Military Intelligence Battalion (Linguist)
Unit Contact: 801-715-3711
Unit Location: Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
A Co 142nd MI BN (Linguist)
Mission: To assist in establishing interrogation sites and identifying persons of interest. To use linguists to conduct interrogation operations and HUMINT screening of enemy prisoners of war, high-level political and military personnel, civilian internees, refugees, displaced persons. To provide interpretation and document exploitation of captured enemy and technical documents, media, and materiel.
Unit Contact: 801-432-4319
Unit Location: Draper, Utah 84020
B Co 142nd MI BN (LING)
Mission: To assist in establishing interrogation sites and identifying persons of interest. To use linguists to conduct interrogation operations and HUMINT screening of enemy prisoners of war, high-level political and military personnel, civilian internees, refugees, displaced persons. To provide interpretation and document exploitation of captured enemy and technical documents, media, and materiel.
Unit Contact: 435-753-5832 – ext 1
Unit Location: Logan Utah 84321
C Co (IC DET) 142nd MI BN (LING)
Mission: To recruit, assess, screen, manage all linguists (U.S. military, contract, host nation) supporting requirements within the area of responsibility. To provide technical control over all CI and HUMINT entities and source-deconfliction activities with other elements in the designated Area of Intelligence Responsibility (AOIR). To provide C2, supervision, mission tasking/management, coordination between and synchronization of assigned G2X, CI and HUMINT elements. To provide operational focus to all subordinate assets supporting the commander's information requirements; supports split-based operations in multiple theaters, as required. To conduct liaison with U.S., Joint and Combined Commands, allied and host country CI and HUMINT counterparts. Conducts investigations, collection and operations to counter adversarial intelligence collection efforts targeting U.S. and allied forces.
Unit Contact: 801-715-3754
Unit Location: Salt Lake City, UT 84116
D Co 142nd MI BN (LING)
Mission: To provide C2 of, technical expertise and mission tasking to assigned SIGINT Platoons and Operation Teams. To provide detection, acquisition, location, identification and exploitation of foreign voice communications using assigned SIGINT systems.
Unit Contact: 801-476-3875
Unit Location: Ogden Utah 84404
E Co 142nd MI BN (LING)
Mission: To provide C2 of, technical expertise and mission tasking to assigned SIGINT Platoons and Operation Teams. To provide detection, acquisition, location, identification and exploitation of foreign voice communications using assigned SIGINT systems.
Unit Contact: 801-432-4513
Unit Location: Draper, Utah 84020-9286