Technical Warrant Officer Packet Checklist

All documents should be legible, single-sided, and in the following order.
  1. CCWO Letter of Recommendation (Must include POC information, email address, and phone number) USAREC Form 3.3
  2. Senior Warrant Officer Letter of Recommendation (Must include POC information, email address, and phone number) USAREC Form 3.3
  3. Company Commander Letter of Recommendation or applicable Company Grade UCMJ authority (Must include POC information, email address, and phone number) USAREC Form3.3 and the following required statement:
  4. “I certify that (Name and Rank) successfully passed the APFT consisting of push-ups, sit-ups, and the two mile run with a score of (score) on (date); the verified height is (feet and inches) and the verified weight is (lbs). Applicant is within body composition standards (BF %) as outlined in AR 600-9.”
  5. Battalion Commander Letter of Recommendation or applicable Field Grade UCMJ authority (Must include POC information, email, and phone number)USAREC Form 3.3
  6. Resume (Summary, Signature, and date must be included) USAREC Form 3.2
  7. ERB/ORB (Certified within six months and must include most recent NCOES/OES level) Note: Do not submit a board brief
  8. Evaluations (include all NCOERs/OERs and all AERs [1059s] in order newest to oldest)
  9. Security clearance memorandum (Minimum Interim Secret/Interim Top Secret based onWO MOS)
  10. College Transcript(s) - if applicable
  11. Copies of Professional Certificates (Licenses and Certificates refer to MOS Proponent preferred requirements found on the USAREC site.)
  12. GT score verification/REDD (Sister Service Applicants)
  13. DA Form 7434-Application for US Army Marine Certification (880A, 881A)
  14. Other MOS required documents (Technician Appraisals, Civilian Evaluations, Portfolios, and DD Form 214s)
  15. English credit document – if required
  16. TABE (Test of Adult Basic Education) score sheet - if required
  17. Request for Prerequisite Waiver from applicant - if required